
Was at Ethnos last night. It was the first time I went without someone to go with. Going alone for me was a frightening thing, I've been to churches before where everyone is familar strangers. You just show up and everyone is socializing but you are left out save for the sidelong questioning glance saying a subtle 'who are you and why are you here in our's not your place?' Luckily with God's help I said no to my (irrational?) fears and went anyway after not getting called back... anyway yeah not getting called back sucks too but I digress. It was their one year aniversary and they had a nice service Justin talked about Ezra and rebuiding the temple that was destroyed. The young people cheered and the old people wept. He had everyone over 35 weep (the old people) and the younger people cheer. I heard more cheering that weeping. Went out to McMenimens after and Justin played with his phone all night (well not really) but it was cool, I was feeling really lonely and it was nice to have people around even if I didn't know most any of them well at all.
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