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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Well, just someone from the Northwest that hops about here and there. Hey there hi there.

Friday, June 09, 2006

David and Nabal 1 Samuel 25

I was listening to dr chuck swindol comming home from work today and there was a really amazing sermon about these two. It is about how a woman in one's life can save a man from making a big mistake, responding more sharply. He said that one time he was going to write a rather pointed letter to someone and milled over it a bunch, then he read it to his wife cynthia. His wife calmly stated that everything he said in that letter was true but perhaps he should sleep on it for a night. Dr Swindol didn't sleep but stayed up all night thinking about the letter and eventually tore it up and threw it away. Things worked out in the end and sending a reproving letter probally would have just hurt the relationship.

So David stayed in the wilderness with his 600 mighty men and watched sheep for this guy who lives in the wilderness. Nabal had lots of sheep so david and his men went down there. Nabal was not a good guy and when the time to come shear the sheep came, david sent some servant to kindly ask for a cut (apparently it was a custom not to bill for things like that but depending on how good a job you do, when the time comes to make money off of the flock then you give people like david and his men a cut)

Anyway, Nabal said no way, you don't get nothin and sent them away. Anyway, when David heard this, he took some of his mighty warriors and their swords to show this greedy ungreat what's up. To make a long story short, Nabal's Godly wife found out what Nabal said to David's messengers from one of the workers (interesting that they express their concern to Abigail instead of Nabal huh?) and she saves his butt :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Godly wives can save your butt, worth looking into, huh?

Monday, 12 June, 2006  
Blogger Paulos said...

Yeah espically if you are a really dense guy that wrongs people and has no idea.

Tuesday, 13 June, 2006  

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