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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Well, just someone from the Northwest that hops about here and there. Hey there hi there.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Kumoricon First Day

Kumoricon is this weekend in case anyone didn't know. It is an anime convention. I went with a guy that I met online that needed a ride. The thing was though that I had to work the previous night so I got off work at 8 went home slept from 9 til about 12 and then went to the con.

I checked out the vendor's hall, chatted with some people, the slants were there they will be playing sunday night. The Neko pan bakery girls had their stuff up. I also bugged tom and the pocky club a bit. After that, I helped chris with his costume (his mask kept falling off) and then we went and got subway. I wanted to get some people together and eat at the crab shack on the columbia but I wasn't really hungry and most of the people I knew were tired and heading back to their hotel rooms.

I did get to check out the spin the bottle glomping circle. That was amusing. It was really really amusing when it was shaped like a heart for a while. After watching it for a while in a hotel room we did have to go down and join in the glomping madness for a time.

There was a pocky club panel that I went to and also a christian meetup panel I went to. That was cool, they are going to have a study today at 10 with free ramen.

Didn't hit up the dance, I wanted to but by 10:00 I was dragging and the line was insane, I just sat down and rested my tired feets for a while and 50 mins later the line remained yeeesh!


Blogger Brian said...

Missed you tonight. I hope the Ramen was good. Come Tues night to hear what is going on. I think you'll likey.

Monday, 03 September, 2007  

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