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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Well, just someone from the Northwest that hops about here and there. Hey there hi there.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

portland cooling = global warming?

So I got my natural gas bill today. One of the things I noticed was it said.

Avg temp april 2007 (50 degrees)

Avg temp april 2008 (46 degrees)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The official term is "climate change" that way when the trend is cooling, they don't look foolish about calling it global warming.

Friday, 02 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG it's La Nina this year that means it's going to be cooler this year like the opposite of the really hot year El Nino. That's doesn't mean global warming doesn't exist. I can't believe people are actually buying into the thought that all the cars we drive around and our industry's waste does not have an effect on the environment.


Tuesday, 20 May, 2008  

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