
Play Not Thou With Fire

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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Well, just someone from the Northwest that hops about here and there. Hey there hi there.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

sometimes school sucks

I took a test in my power systems class and did terrible. The teacher left me a note saying that he wasn't sure if I was prepared for the class


Monday, October 15, 2007

make life slow down

today I woke up and checked the internets to see what was coming up. It turns out that there was an assignment due today that I hadn't even started.

I had about an hour and a half before class.

After crazyness I did finish it but was late to class and now I am pooped. I don't like being rushed right when I wake up.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Kumori election

So I went to the election meeting for Kumoricon today. It was cool, I mostly went to see people and hang out more than anything else. I am not really thick into the staff issues but I did get to try out my new little camcorder. It doesn't take very good pictures or videos hrmm :(

But I did get a few ok ones

After that I went to church and people shared their stories. It was really nice to see new people up front during the gathering. Anthony, Chris, Jen, and Ingrid shared. I was asked to but looks like it'll be pushed out to next week.